In anticipation of this biker journey/honeymoon, I felt that I needed a little something extra for my wardrobe. Earlier this summer, I had found a very nice Eddie Bauer denim vest at a garage sale for about $1. I picked it up with this very upgrade in mind.
I printed out the general outline of a popular motorcycle company's logo in a size that would fit nicely on the back of the vest. Then I used my handy little chalk pen to transfer the logo onto the vest. I just outlined the logo with the chalk pen, then I flipped the logo (chalk side down) onto the vest where I wanted it and rubbed the back of the paper to transfer the chalk. I then went over the few spots that didn't transfer completely.
Next I cut out a large piece of lace that my mom gave me and pinned it to the inside of the vest, making sure that it covered the entire logo area. (These pictures are from after I had already sewn it, which is why you don't see any pins.)
Then I used white thread and basically sewed over the logo, making sure to go through the lace. I kept checking the lace underneath so that I didn't accidentally fold some extra lace over. I tend to do that a lot when I try to sew too quickly. Once I made sure that the logo had been sewn properly, I VERY carefully snipped the center of the logo, making sure not to cut the lace.
From there, I VERY, VERY carefully snipped the inner denim part of the logo so that the lace was exposed. If you try this at home, remember that patience is a virtue and it will be rewarded.
Finally, I trimmed the excess lace on the inside of the vest, and voila! Very honeymoon if I do say so myself.

Very cool. Great upcycle idea too.